Experimental forecast Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Fields
Experimental forecast Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Fields
This page presents operational model fields that are being used in a study examining their
forecast ability for tropical cyclogenesis in the eastern Pacific and northern Atlantic basins.
Please note that these products are experimental and not official forecasts. For official forecasts in the U.S.,
please refer to the National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center.
Model data last updated Mon Nov 4 10:46:43 UTC 2024.
| Initial Time
| Field
| Hour
| Get Image
- The GFS, HMON, HWRF, and NAVGEM data are provided via
NCEP's anonymous ftp servers.
- The CMC data are provided via CMC's anonymous ftp server.
- The ECMWF data are provided via ECMWF's anonymous ftp server.
Relevant links: [
WeatherUnderground |
Cyclone Phase Analysis & Forecasts
Historical Track Archives (Unisys): [
Atlantic |
Eastern Pacific |
Western Pacific
Bob Hart (rhart@fsu.edu)
Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science
Florida State University
Last Updated: 9 August 2016