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Web Pages


Computer Cluster


Real-time data status

Vita / CV

Google Scholar Page

2017 Eclipse Montages


Web Pages Locally Produced:

Much of the research our group produces has operational/forecasting benefits, if not also practical research benefits. Accordingly, there are numerous webpages that have been produced here to apply or communicate the research products/results:

Real-time FSU EOAS Meteorology Mapwall Room Imagery
USA ASOS METAR Monthly precip plots
Global Tropical Cyclones ACE as forecast by operational models
Meteorology / Atmospheric Science Family Tree
Normalized GFS Ensenble Spread for TC Guidance
TC Genesis Guidance Based on Model Climatology
Climatological risk of TC genesis for current disturbances
Historical & current tropical cyclone landfall risk
Cyclone Phase Analysis and Forecasting
Tropical Cyclogenesis Model Output

Additionally, many of the very popular web pages developed while Hart was a student at Penn State Univ. (or developed while at FSU but not related to funded research) are now at or remain at PSU:

Current global record temperatures
Current global weather extrema
HighRes Ptype output from NAM, GFS
Ensemble output
Atmospheric Rarity: Historical, current, and forecast
Eta, GFS, NGM, Ruc Hourly Model Time Series
Internet-User Weather Observations
Decoded Offshore Weather Observations
Hourly U.S. Weather Statistics
Real-time Mesoscale Weather Analyses

I bet Einstein turned himself all sorts of colors before he invented the light bulb. --Homer Simpson