function zinterp(field,zgrid,zlev) *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Bob Hart ( / FSU Meteorology * 3/4/1999 * * GrADS function to interpolate within a 3-D grid to a specified * height level. Can also be used on non-pressure level data, such * as sigma or eta-coordinate output where height is a function * of time and grid level. * * Advantages: Easy to use, no UDFs. Disadvantages: Can take 3-10 secs. * * Arguments: * field = name of 3-D grid to interpolate * * zgrid = name of 3-D grid holding height values at each gridpoint * Units of measurement are arbitrary. * * zlev = height level at which to interpolate (having same units as zgrid) * * Function returns: defined grid interp holding interpolated values * * NOTE: Areas having zlev below bottom level or above upper level * in output will be undefined. * * NOTE: No distinction in the function is made between height above * sea level, height above ground surface, or geopotential. The * function will give output regardless of which is sent. * It is up to the user to be aware which height variable is * being passed to the function and treat the output accordingly. * * Example function calls: * * "d "zinterp(temp,height,5000) * * Would display a temperature field interpolated to 5000. * * "define t1000="zinterp(temp,height,1000) * * Would define a new variable, t1000, as a temp field at 1000. * * "d p1000="zinterp(lev,height,1000) * * Would display a field of the pressure at a height of 1000. * * PROBLEMS: Send email to Bob Hart ( * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- *-------------------- BEGINNING OF FUNCTION ---------------------------- *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Get initial dimensions of dataset so that exit dimensions will be * same "q dims" rec=sublin(result,4) ztype=subwrd(rec,3) if (ztype = "fixed") zmin=subwrd(rec,9) zmax=zmin else zmin=subwrd(rec,11) zmax=subwrd(rec,13) endif * Get full z-dimensions of dataset. "q file" rec=sublin(result,5) zsize=subwrd(rec,9) * Determine spatially varying bounding height levels for height surface * zabove = height-value at level above ; zbelow = height value at level * below for each gridpoint "set z 2 "zsize "define zabove=0.5*maskout("zgrid","zgrid"-"zlev")+0.5*maskout("zgrid","zlev"-"zgrid"(z-1))" "set z 1 "zsize-1 "define zbelow=0.5*maskout("zgrid","zgrid"(z+1)-"zlev")+0.5*maskout("zgrid","zlev"-"zgrid")" * Isolate field values at bounding height levels * fabove = requested field value above height surface * fbelow = requested field value below height surface "set z 2 "zsize "define fabove=zabove*0+"field "set z 1 "zsize-1 "define fbelow=zbelow*0+"field * Turn this 3-D grid of values (mostly undefined) into a 2-D height layer * mean is used here below for simplicity, since mean ignores undefined * values. "set z 1" "define zabove=mean(zabove,z=2,z="zsize")" "define fabove=mean(fabove,z=2,z="zsize")" "define zbelow=mean(zbelow,z=1,z="zsize-1")" "define fbelow=mean(fbelow,z=1,z="zsize-1")" * Finally, interpolate linearly in height and create surface. "set z "zmin " " zmax "define slope=(fabove-fbelow)/(zabove-zbelow)" "define b=fbelow-slope*zbelow" "define interp=slope*"zlev"+b" * variable interp now holds height field and its named it returned * for use by the user. say "Done. Newly defined variable interp has "zlev" "field"-field." Return(interp)