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Available online:
- GrADS Cyclone Phase Space Scripts
- - GrADS function to display a field interpolated to a specified isentropic level. Can be used on non-pressure level data, such as sigma or eta level model output.
- - GrADS function to plot a legend.
- - GrADS function to display a field interpolated to a specified pressure level. Can be used on non-pressure level data, such as sigma or eta level model output.
- - GrADS function to plot a SkewT/LogP diagram
- - GrADS function to display a field interpolated to a specified height level.
- Matlab Moutain Wave Visualization Model
Common unix commands that can make data analysis more efficient:
  (be careful with these the first time -- I am not responsible if you end up losing years of work from these):
- View the first 7 lines of a file: head --lines=7 filename or (in some OSs) head --lines=7 filename
- View the last 7 lines of a file: tail --lines=7 filename or (in some OSs) tail --lines=7 filename
- View lines 7-10 of a file: head --lines=10 filename | tail --lines=7 or (in some OSs) head --lines=10 filename | tail --lines=7
- Extract all lines in a file having the word Hurricane: grep Hurricane filename
- Extract all lines in a file having the word Hurricane and output to another file: grep Hurricane filename > filename2
- Extract all lines in a file having the word Hurricane, ignoring case: grep -i Hurricane filename
- Extract all lines in a file NOT having the word Hurricane, ignoring case: grep -v -i Hurricane filename
- Convert a file from lowercase to upper case: tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' < filename
- Convert a file from lowercase to upper case and output to a new file: tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' < filename > filename2
- Convert all letter a in a file to b: sed 's/a/b/g' < filename
- Count the number of lines in a file: wc -l filename
- Count the number of words in a file: wc -w filename
- Count the number of characters in a file: wc -m filename
- Display the second word in each line of a file: awk '{print $2}' filename
- Display the second comma-delineated word of each line in a file: cut -d"," -f2 filename
- Print all lines having a number between 10 and 99, inclusive: grep '[1-9][0-9]' filename
- Print all lines having a number between 0 and 999, inclusive: egrep '([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9])' filename
- Add two integers in unix: expr 2 {+} 3
- Add two floats in unix: echo "2.1+7.2" | bc -l
- Sort a list of numbers: sort -n filename
- Reverse sort a list of numbers: sort -r -n filename
- List the processes you are running: ps -aef | grep username
- Find files from your current dir, downward, that have tc as part of the name: find . -name '*tc*' -print
- Find files more than a year old, from your current dir, downward: find . -mtime +365 -print
- Find files more than 100MB in size, from your current dir, downward: find . -size +100000k -print
- Calculate the disk usage of your current directory (and all subdirs): du -sh .
I bet Einstein turned himself all sorts of colors before he invented the light bulb. --Homer Simpson