1 November 2010 Most datasets these days are sufficiently high resolution that regridding is not needed to get reliable values. The latest versions of the scripts remove all calls to regrid2() and thus that UDF is no longer needed to be installed to run the scripts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 May 2009 There was a bug in the calcB.gs script that only was found if an attempt was made to use on southern hemisphere data. This is fixed in the latest version of the script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 January 2009 There has been a dramatic increase in the interest in using the cyclone phase space scripts for individual calculation. As a result, I have tried to reduce the complex real-time set to a basic set for all-purpose use. Accordingly, you will find the scripts to calculate the cps parameters using grads and fortran from a trackfile (stormtrack) and then plot the trajectories in grads (phase1-smooth.gs and phase2-smooth.gs) here. Note that the -smooth version means a 24-hr running mean is plotted for the trajectory, consistent with the MWR 2003 paper. You may want to change/remove that smoothing for your own interests. The main driver script is dophase.csh, once your trackfile (stormtrack) is ready. I will try to provide more details in the future. For now, if you are familiar with shell scripting, GrADS and FORTRAN, you should be able to get these working. These scripts were largely written 7 years ago. As a result, they are not nearly as efficient or well-documented as they should be.... Bob Hart