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Recent Hart Lab News

November 2023:Hart selected to give an annual six-hour Distinguished Lecture at Kyoto University in Japan on his career research.
October 2023:Hart lab Alumnus Prof. Daniel Halperin is awarded tenure and promotion to Associate Professor at ERAU.
August 2023:New publication with student Evan Jones and colleages R. Parfitt and A. Wing, in GRL.
April 2023:Ian Mutschler joins the lab as an HITM student (and FSU Presidential Scholar UROP Student).
October 2022:Hart honored as a PSU College of EMS 125th Anniversary Alumnus Fellow (awarded every 25 years).
July 2022:Awarded new two-year ONR grant.
May 2022:Kelly Novak receives her B.S. and begins employment as a Renewable Resource Analyst at Southern Power
May 2022:Laura Helock receives her Honors B.S. and begins her graduate degree at Penn State University
March 2022:TCLOGG TC Genesis Guidance Research, funded over several years by NOAA/JHT, officially approved by the NHC Director for Operational Implementation at NHC.
December 2021:Mark Nissenbaum receives his Ph.D. and begins employment at the South Florida Water Management District
August 2021:Anna Kaminski joins the lab.
August 2021:Sam Sangster receives his M.S. degree, and soon thereafter begins employment as a forecaster for Delta Airlines.
February 2021:Alumnus Dr. Levi Cowan is employed at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center in Hawaii as a Senior Scientist and Forecaster.
May 2021:Kelly Novak joins the lab.
May 2021:Vance Joyner receives his M.S. degree.
August 2020:Ryan Remondelli receives his M.S. degree and continues on for his Ph.D.
May 2020:Justin McReynolds receives his M.S. degree.
April 2020:Recent Ph.D. graduate Levi Cowan lead author on publication: "An Objective Identification and Climatology of Upper Tropospheric Jets Near Atlantic Tropical Cyclones.", MWR.
January 2020:Sam Sangster joins the lab.
January 2020:Kyle Ahern and Levi Cowan accept Research Scientist positions at NOAA AOML/HRD/CIMAS.
November 2019:Levi Cowan successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation.
August 2019:Kyle Ahern successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation (co-supervised with M. Bourassa).
July 2019:Awarded new three-year NOAA/JHT grant to further expand TCLOGG guidance (co-PI D. Halperin).
May 2019:Ph.D. student Kyle Ahern lead author on publication: "Observed Kinematic and Thermodynamic Structure in the Hurricane Boundary Layer During Intensity Change.", MWR.
November 2018:M.S. Students Justin McReynolds and Ryan Remondelli join the lab.
October 2018:Lab Ph.D. students Kyle Ahern and Levi Cowan co-authored the publication "Minimizing Common Errors When Projecting Geospatial Data onto a Vortex-Centered Space," GRL
October 2018:Alumni A. Hazelton and R. Truchelut (Co-founder, WxTiger) quoted in Miami Herald on Hurricane Michael
August 2018:Kyle Ahern spends two weeks at HRD for collaboration on his Ph.D. research and participates in an aircraft recon. flight
June 2018:Alumnus Andrew Hazelton accepts research position at NOAA/AOML/HRD and U. Miami/CIMAS
May 2018:Mark Nissenbaum has developed a web page to plot real-time animations of high resolution radar imagery across the country.
December 2017:New real-time research product available: Monthly and Annual Precipitation at ASOS Sites
August 2017:Two new publications in MWR (Hazelton/Hart/Rogers).
August 2017:Alumnus Dan Halperin began a tenure-track faculty position at Embry-Riddle University in Daytona Beach.
August 2017:Alumnus Ben Schenkel began a Research Scientist position at the University of Oklahoma.
August 2017:Hart and colleagues take an extended road trip to witness the August 21 total eclipse of the sun.
June-July 2017:Levi Cowan was awarded and completed a UCAR VSP at the National Hurricane Center.
July 2017:Awarded new two-year NOAA/JHT grant to further expand the successful TC genesis guidance.
May 2017:Mark Nissenbaum, Ph.D. candidate, joins the lab.
March 2017:Lt. Thomas McKenzie III successfully defended his M.S. thesis and departed for assignment in Germany thereafter.
February 2017:New publication in WAF (Halperin et al.).
Summer 2016:Andrew Hazelton successfully defended his Ph.D. and begins a Postdoctoral position at Princeton/GFDL (supervisor: S.J. Lin).
August 2016:Alumnus Prof. Clark Evans (U. Wisconsin-Milwaukee) promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
August 2016:New real-time research product available: Global Tropical Cyclones ACE as forecast by operational models
July 2016:Awarded new three-year NOAA/CSTAR proposal (co-I Fuelberg) on Derechos and Mesoscale Snowbanding.
May 2016:New publication in WAF (Halperin et al.).
May 2016:New publication in BAMS (Hart/Chavas/Guishard).