  Current Students
Ian Mutschler: B.S. Honors (2024): Climatology and common aspects of forecast failures in rapid intensification of Atlantic hurricanes. Currently pursuing an M.S. at FSU.
Anna Kaminski: M.S. (2023): An Analysis and Explanation of the Representation of the 3-D Warm Core Structure in Tropical Cyclones across various Reanalysis Datasets. Currently employed as a Satellite Meteorologist by NRL.
Kelly Novak: M.S. (2022): Quantifying the evolution of GFS and GEFS mean tropical cyclone track error and the synoptic environments in which large forecast errors occur. Currently employed by Southern Power Company.
Laura Helock: B.S. Honors (2022): A climatology of tropical cyclones impacting the Tallahassee area and an examination of the large-scale atmospheric patterns producing them. Currently a graduate student at Penn. State University.
Vance Joyner: M.S. (2021): Development and testing of a composite parameter for improved derecho forecasting using GFS model output. Currently NWS forecaster at Blacksburg, VA.
Mark Nissenbaum: Ph.D.. (2021): Identification, Climatology, and Predictability of Obseeved and Modeled Mesoscale Snowbands. Currently employed by South Florida Water Management District.
Sam Sangster: M.S. (2021): An examination of the unique tropical cyclone climatology near Hispaniola and the factors influencing it. Currently a Forecaster for Delta Airlines.
Ryan Remondelli: M.S. (2020): Simulation of Historical New England Tropical Cyclones: Predictability Implications and their Meteorological Insight. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. at FSU.
Justin McReynolds: M.S. (2020): An Analysis of the DSHIPS model's ability to predict post-landfall maximum wind speeds and windfield asymmetries for recent TCs in the Gulf of Mexico. Currently NWS Forecaster in Key West, Florida.
Kyle Ahern: Ph.D. (2019): Hurricane Boundary Layer Structure during Intensity Change: An Observational and Numerical Analysis. Co-advised with M. Bourassa. Currently Research Scientist at U. Albany, NY.
Levi Cowan: Ph.D. (2019): Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Interactions with Upper Tropospheric Troughs and Jets: Identification, Climatology, and Modulation of Tropical Cyclone Intensity. Currently Forecaster/Scientist at Joint Typhoon Warning Center.
Lt. Thomas B. McKenzie III: M.S. (2017): A Climatology of Tropical Cyclone Size in the Western North Pacific Using an Alternative Metric. Currently active duty Air Force forecaster in Japan.
Andrew Hazelton: Ph.D. (2016): Development and evolution of convective bursts in WRF simulations of Hurricanes Dean (2007) and Bill (2009). Currently a Research Scientist at NOAA/AOML/CIMAS.
Ryan Truchelut: Ph.D. (2015): Diagnosing Tropical Cyclone Risk Through the Development of a Landfall Diagnostic Index for the North Atlantic Basin. Currently co-Founder, President, and Chief Meteorologist of WeatherTiger
Daniel Halperin: Ph.D. (2015): Investigating the Potentially Untapped Predictability of Tropical Cyclone Genesis in Operational Global Models. (Co-advised with H. Fuelberg). Currently an Assistant Professor of Meteorology at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona, FL.
Serena Moseley: (2015): FSU Young Scholars Program (YSP) High School Student
Jacqueline Santa Ana: (2015): FSU Young Scholars Program (YSP) High School Student
Russell Glazer: M.S. (2014): The Influence of Mesoscale Sea Surface Temperature Gradients on Tropical Cyclones. Thesis: Co-advised with M. Bourassa. Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at ICTP.
Joshua Cossuth: Ph.D. (2014): Exploring a Comparative Climatology of Tropical Cyclone Core Structures. Thesis: Currently employed at NRL Monterey, CA.
Lauren Visin: B.S. Honors Thesis (2014): An Examination of the Differences in Tropical Cyclone Pressure-Wind Relationships among Observations, Model Analyses, and Model Forecasts. Received M.S. degree at FSU (Prof. J. Chagnon advisor), now employed by NOAA/NCEI Asheville.
Sabrina Abesamis: (2013): FSU Young Scholars Program (YSP) High School Student
Lilian Dove: (2013): FSU Young Scholars Program (YSP) High School Student. Currently undergraduate student at MIT.
Andrew Hazelton: M.S. (2013): Tropical Cyclone Eyewall Slope as Determined From Radar Reflectivity Data: Composites and Case Studies. Thesis: Currently a Research Scientist at NOAA/AOML/CIMAS.
Lindsey Day: M.S. (2013): Climatological and Synoptic Patterns of Atlantic Hurricanes Categorized by GFS Track Ensemble Spread and Error. Thesis: Currently employed by FOX26 Television in Houston, TX.
Benjamin Schenkel: Ph.D. (2012): An analysis of the impacts of western North Pacific tropical cyclones on their local and large-scale environment. Thesis: Currently Research Scientist at CIMMS/OU/NSSL.
Grayum Vickers: M.S. (2012): An ingredients-based examiniation of U.S. severe tornado alleys using reanalysis data. Thesis: Coadvised with E. Chassignet. Currently instructor in New York City.
Chip Helms: M.S. (2012): The Evolution of Dropsonde-derived Kinematic and Thermodynamic Structures in Developing and Non-developing Atlantic Tropical Convective Systems. Thesis: Currently a NPP Postdoctoral Fellow at Goddard Space Flight Center.
Briana Luthman: (2012): FSU Young Scholars Program (YSP) High School Student
David Ryglicki: Ph.D. (2011): The Evolution of Barotropically Unstable, High-Rossby Number Vortices in Shear. Thesis: Co-advised with P. Reasor and T. N. Krishnamurti. Currently employed by FNMOC.
Ryan Truchelut: M.S. (2011): Quantifying the Possible Existence of Undocumented Atlantic Warm-Core Cyclones in NOAA/CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis Data. Thesis: Currently co-Founder, President, and Chief Meteorologist of WeatherTiger
Andrew Hazelton: B.S. (2011): Analysis of GFDL Intensity Forecasting Performance for Gulf/Caribbean Major Hurricanes from 1998-2008. Thesis:
Joshua Cossuth: B.S. (2010): Climatology of Dvorak Classifications for Operational Probabilistic Genesis Forecasts. Thesis:
Susan Bils: B.S. (2010) WIMSE Student
Andrew Murray: M.S. (2009): Improved prediction of short-term TC intensity change using TC core tendencies.Thesis: Currently employed by Univ. S. Alabama as an Instructor.
Glenn Creighton: M.S. (2009): A spatial filter approach to determining the role of convection on the evolution of a mesoscale vortex. Thesis: Coadvised with Phil Cunningham. Currently employed by UCAR/AFWA, Omaha, Nebraska.
Clark Evans: Ph.D. (2009): The Thermodynamic Evolution of Recurving Tropical Cyclone Bonnie (1998). Thesis: Currently employed at Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee as Professor.
Kelsie Timpe: B.S. (2009) WIMSE Student: Unique synoptic aspects of the environments conducive to Tallahassee tropical cyclones.
Matthew Bloemer: M.S. (2008): The conditions unique to rapid intensification and weakening of inland TCs. Thesis: Currently employed by NWS Atlanta.
Robert Deal: B.S. Honors Thesis (2008): Climatology and trends in Atlantic recon reports as compared to best-track. Currently employed by NOAA/National Weather Service.
Maria Molina: B.S. Honors Thesis (2008): An analysis of the factors driving the motion of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Currently an Assistant Professor at U. Maryland.
David Piech, M.S. (2007): Atlantic Reconnaissance Vortex Message Climatology and Composites and their use in Characterizing Eyewall Cycles. Thesis: Currently employed by StormGeo, Houston, TX.
Danielle Manning, M.S. (2007): The Utility of the ERA40 Cyclone Phase Space in Trend Diagnosis and North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Reanalysis. Thesis: Currently employed by NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge.
Andrew Durante, M.S. (2006): Forecast confidence measures using NCEP GFS Ensembles. Research Webpage Thesis: Currently employed by Xcel Energy, Denver, CO.
Clark Evans, M.S. (2006): Dynamics of the Wind Field Expansion Associated with Extratropically Transitioning Tropical Cyclones. Thesis: Currently employed by Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee as Professor.
Mike Watson, M.S. (2005): A Recalcualtion of MPI using Upper-Ocean Depth Averaged Temperatures: Climatology and Case Studies. Thesis: Currently employed by Surfline, Inc.