Particular thanks are given to the following individuals for their invaluable contributions to this project:
Kelly Hirai of Florida State University and David Wojtowicz for their work on the post-processing modification and printing of the tree
Mitch Keller of the Mathematics Genealogy Project for his advice and examples for graphical display of family tree information
Janet Webster and Tiah Edmunson-Morton of Oregon State Univ. for determining the supervisor of John A. Day for his PhD thesis.
John Gyakum for researching the mentors of Walter Hitschfeld and F. Kenneth Hare.
John Methven of U. Reading and colleagues for their "Origin of Theses" project documenting the past four decades of lineage (at the time) at University of Reading.
Christine Sherratt of MIT for her numerous library investigations regarding MIT students over the past century.
Jean Phillips and Katherine Winiecki of U. Wisconsin-Madison for library investigations regarding UWisc Alumni, as well as NYU Alumnus Franklin Badgley.
Carol Wolf of University of California-Berkeley for her investigative work on Hans Panofsky's lineage from original thesis hardcopies
Kristine Harper of Florida State Univ. for her book, "Weather by the Numbers" on the origins of modern Meteorology.
Robert Muller, Barry Keim, Laurence Kalkstein, Vernon Meentemeyer, Marlyn Shelton, Robert Davis for Douglas Carter's lineage and progeny.
Richard Skaggs, James Shortridge, and Stan Morain for David Simonett's lineage.
Darlene Oosterhof for T.N. Krishnamurti's student record
Amie Hedstrom for Bill Gray's student record
Mike Wallace and Peggy LeMone for Robert Fleagle's lineage.
Jim Deardorff for providing information on his own lineage, as well as background on Alfred Woodcock.
John Cahir for his own as well as John Hovermale's lineage.
Sigrid Zimmerman and the U. Bern Library for Hans Thalmann's PhD supervisor.
Alexandra Bainbridge and the Special Collections Library of Penn State University for Hans Neuberger's dissertation supervisors
Bogdan Antonescu for his own and prior lineage.
Pasha Groisman and Mike MacCracken for Mikhail Budyko's information.
Fordyce Williams for Phil E. Church's lineage.
Carl Wunsch for his own and Henry Stommel's lineage.
Tina Qin of Harvard U. for Gordon McLeod Harris' and Richard Pearson, Jr.'s Ph.D. dissertations.
Karen Aplin of U. of Bristol for J. A. Chalmers lineage.
John M. Lewis for his numerous articles on the history and lineage of several colleagues in the tree.
Charles Hosler, Richard Somerville, Dennis Thomson, Robert Houze, Peter Webster, and Ed Zipser for their respective student records
T.N. Krishnamurti, Dick Greenfeld, Howard Friedman, Robert Rogers and Yoko Ooyama for Vic Ooyama and Bernard Haurwitz's lineages
Yongjie Huang for providing missing information on Shouting Gao and Shiyan Tao.
Greg McFarquhar, Cynthia Twohy, Joanna Corden, Anne Barrett, Clive Saunders, John Latham, Tom Choularton, and U. London Library staff for addressing inquiries and submissions.
The following for filling numerous gaps in the family tree: Jenni Evans, Bill Frank, T. N. Krishnamurti, John Dutton, Richard Johnson, Gabriel Lau, Frank Marks, Sharon Nicholson, Robert Rogers, Gabe Vecchi, and Ed Zipser.
We also profusely thank the Department of Atmospheric Science at CSU for their 50th Anniversary web page as an unusually valuable source of data for this project.
We are grateful to the AMS and UCAR for their invaluable series of Tape Recorded Interview Project summaries.
We are grateful for the National Academies of Science and Engineering for their online biographies.
The first author is grateful to Prof. J. Evans for introducing him to the history of many Japanese meteorologists through a course at Penn State Univ. -- in particular through the Lewis (1993) article in BAMS.
Finally, many many thanks to the hundreds who contributed their information (or that of their peers) to the database.